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Two Ocala, Florida women have been arrested and booked into the county jail.  Authorities said they were taken into custody after trying to steal beef jerky and bathing suits from a local Walmart.

Police asked the women why they tried to pilfer the items instead of paying for them.

The response?  "It was on our bucket list".

The phrase "Bucket List" has become increasingly popular since the 2007 release of a movie by the same name.

The most common definition of the term relates to a list of things a person wants to accomplish before they die.   Some people have jotted down things such as traveling to Europe, skydiving or learning another language.

Others, such as defendants Andrea Mobley and Jennifer Marrow, have apparently set their sights a bit lower.

The pair is reportedly said to have reunited for an unlawful adventure in order to begin crossing items off their respective lists.

Their jerky heist may have been successful were it not for the efforts of a loss prevention officer.

The Walmart employee said he saw the women stashing swimwear items in their purse.

That effort apparently stirred up quite a hunger, because they decided to start snacking on the packaged meat as they strolled through the aisles.   It wasn't until after they departed the superstore that they were taken into custody.

The women have since said they are ashamed of their actions, describing the idea as a "stupid thing".