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Die hard gamers have been waiting for months to get their hands on the criminal-activity ridden video game Grand Theft Auto V.

Grand Theft Auto (or GTA, as the kids call it) is wildly popular among the younger crowd and it's well known for it's elaborate story line and expertly executed car heists.

Recently, three Staten Island teens got so amped to be the first ones to own it they decided to impersonate cops in order to cut the line.  And, much like their video game criminal counterparts- they also found themselves getting arrested.

Players can interact with the game world as they wish and can either play alone or online with up to 16 different players.

The game is basically Pac-Man's much older, much cooler brother, and people from all over the country waited in line for hours in order to their hands on the second it was released.

GTA V was released at 12:01 a.m. on September 17.  In Staten Island, New York, three college-age friends reportedly thought they might be able to beat the crowds if they showed up at a local Game Stop and flashed a badge.

The three friends even managed to get their hands on an old unmarked police car, complete with a siren, lights and other bells and whistles.  The car, according to a source close to the story, had been purchased at a police auction.

The driver walked up to a security guard and asked to be let inside of the Staten Island Mall.  "I'm with the NYPD," he said, and flashed his auxiliary police officer badge.   They strolled into the video game store, made their purchase and were about to make what they thought was the perfect getaway.

Unfortunately for them, the driver of the car got a bit too excited about executing the plan.  He was so stoked, in fact, that he blew through a handful of stop signs.  Real NYPD officers pulled them over a short distance later.

Kirlos Sayed, Frank Santanastaso and Matthew Kirsheh were arrested on the spot and have been charged with criminal impersonation.  They could face up to 12 months behind bars if they are convicted.