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For many people, getting on an airplane can cause a lot of stress.

To help stay calm, and maybe make the flight a little more enjoyable, they may have a drink or two before boarding or take a pill to ease their anxiety.

Others just grit their teeth and bear it.

Once in a while, though, there are those who don’t handle the stress well when they are on an airplane and do things that get them into a lot of trouble in the air.

Here are some memorable ski miles.

The Belligerent Drunk

Sometimes, a little in-flight entertainment can help people relax while in the air.

This wasn’t exactly the case when 26-year-old William Dull decided to act like a hyper teenager on a flight from Barcelona to Singapore in 2010.

Dull was over-imbibed on the flight and attendants refused to serve him any more alcohol.

Upset that he could no longer drink on his flight, Dull got out of his seat and started pacing the aisles, flailing his arms and making rude statements to fellow passengers and crew. So far, not unlike watching an episode of Cops.

But the fun ended shortly after when Dull threatened to kill everyone aboard by opening the emergency hatch of the plane.

Passengers and crew members then worked quickly to subdue the intoxicated man as others cheered.

The Folk-Hero

Steven Slater was a career flight attendant. Being in the air ran in his family, with a father who was a retired pilot and a mother who was a flight attendant herself.

But, after 20 years of defiant passengers, crying babies and other work-related stress, Slater had had quite enough.

In 2010, a well-known incident occurred while a JetBlue flight was waiting to disembark. Slater had asked a passenger to remain seated until it was time to retrieve luggage, but the passenger refused to sit back down and Slater was knocked on the head with the luggage.

Instead of offering an apology, the passenger cursed at Slater.

Slater then went to the PA system and proceeded to rant at the customer and then quit his job in a most flamboyant way: He opened up the plane’s inflatable evacuation slide, grabbed a beer from the beverage cart, and slid off the plane at the airport.

He was arrested at his home shortly after and charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and trespassing, all which can result in up to seven years behind bars.

The Diva

Celebrities have a reputation for displaying a sense of entitlement and that seems to only get worse when they board an airplane with “normal” people.

Ivana Trump had to suffer from taking a commercial flight in 2009, where she was exposed to other passengers, children among them. Some children on the flight were being rowdy and running around the aisles.

Ms. Trump asked to be moved and was taken to first class where she was also given a set of headphones to help block out the noise. A crying baby was another factor in her diva-meltdown before the flight left the airport.

Witnesses said that Ms. Trump began to call the children names and scream that she wanted to go home.

She became so belligerent that she was asked to leave the plane after delaying the flight for two hours. Deputies were brought in to escort her from the plane though she was not charged with anything.

If you're flying soon, take a deep breath and behave better than these folks did.