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It is not so unusual to hear of a celebrity being arrested for one offense or another.

But sometimes we just have to scratch are head in wonder when they get into trouble with the law...

Dylan: Trespassing

Bob Dylan has an unmistakable voice, but his looks can leave him looking unfamiliar to even the biggest fans.

In 2009, while touring in New Jersey with Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp, Dylan decided to go out into the neighborhood for some fresh air.

Some of the residents, though, did not recognize him for the celebrity he is and called police to report the appearance of an “unkempt looking old man.”

When a young officer confronted Dylan, the musician was not able to provide ID.

Since he could not verify his claims that he was who he said he was, Dylan was put into the police cruiser and driven back to his hotel where he could show his ID to the officer.

After he was able to prove his identity, Dylan was released and no charges were filed.

Cash: Destruction of Government Property

In 1965, Johnny Cash got into some hot water with the government after his truck caught fire in the Los Padres National Forest.

The fire was caused by an overheated wheel bearing and resulted in the destruction of nearly 500 acres of land and the alleged deaths of 49 endangered California Condors. At the time, only 53 were living in the forest’s bird sanctuary.

Cash paid the lawsuit filed by the government for the destruction and death of “those damned yellow buzzards” for which he cared nothing about.

Beethoven: Vagrancy

Ludwig Van Beethoven was a musical genius.

He would often become so engrossed in his compositions that he would forget about his appearance and hygiene.

This is not so much a crime when you are confined to your own home, but when you wake up on the streets and start peering into shop windows, that’s when police take notice.

Beethoven woke up in the Vienna suburbs one day, disoriented and unsure of his surroundings. To figure out where he was, the composer looked into shops and windows.

The local constabulary took notice of the vagrant but did not know who he was. He was arrested and taken to jail, where he tried to explain who he was to the law enforcement officers.

The city music director was brought in to verify Beethoven’s identity and he was soon released to continue his work.