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Admit it. We've all had our moments where we think our dad is a jerk.

Then we look around...

Every day, thousands of fathers across America find themselves in trouble with the law.


Top 4 Reasons Other People's Dads Get Arrested

  1. Drunk dads often make big mistakes.  Those who drink and drive with their kids can find themselves in trouble.   In 2010, a Pasadena man got drunk at a wedding and misplaced his son for several hours.  He told police he had been so drunk he didn't remember leaving the reception.
  2. Dads who behave badly at sporting events can also find themselves behind bars.  In 2011, a father who didn't like a ref's call at his son's football game charged the field.  A few off-duty police officers stepped in and tried to arrest the man.  How did dad respond?  Dad bites officer.  The unnamed dad was later charged two felonies.
  3. Dads who physically abuse their children land in jail - even if the abuse isn't intended. In late May, a Pennsylvania dad was arrested after letting his daughter ride in a dog cage that was in the back of his pick-up truck arrested after letting his daughter ride in a dog cage that was in the back of his pick-up truck.  A passing vehicle saw the girl in the cage and called state police.  Dad and mom were taken into custody when they arrived back at their home.  The pair is facing charges of felony child endangerment.
  4. Dads who don't pay child support can also find themselves in handcuffs.  Some states will issue arrest warrants, and others will suspend a father's drivers license until he pays up. In April, a South Carolina dad owed more than $107,000 in back child support was arrested and jailed on a bench warrant.

So this Father's Day, be thankful for the man who taught you to ride a bike, who helped you with your homework and who tucked you into bed at night.  Be easy on him the next time he cracks a corny joke.  When you compare him to some of the fathers mentioned in this story, you'll realize he's not that bad after all.