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A former Michigan police Captain found himself on the wrong side of the law after he stole marijuana and baked it into a batch of brownies.

A taped 911 call indicates Edward Sanchez and his wife consumed the entire tray.  After about an hour, they realized they bit off a bit more than they could chew.  Sanchez told the operator he believed he and his wife had died and that "time was moving really really slow".


Sanchez reportedly said he believed he and his wife were experiencing an overdose.  He requested the dispatcher send emergency medical personnel.   The then police Captain and his wife were transported to a nearby medical facility where they were treated and released.

Local elected officials expressed outrage when the department allowed the cop to resign quietly.  Many felt that the man and his wife should have faced criminal charges.

At the time he was question Sanchez initially claimed his wife stole the pot out of a bag in his car without his knowledge.  He later admitted that this was a lie.  He also said he got the bag of marijuana after he confiscated it from some unknown people on the street.  His wife admitted this was not the first time she removed drugs from her husband's police bag.