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Politics is not just for the birds - it's for the toddlers

Races for political office can get quite contentious.

There are mudslinging and radio ads, television ads and lawn signs galore.

The town of Dorset, Minnesota, however, have decided that a much easier and less stressful way to elect its new political leader was to simply hold an annual drawing.

Throughout the summer months, residents of the 28-person town can throw their names into the proverbial hat for $1 per entry.

In August, during the Taste of Dorset festival, a name is drawn from the hat and the selected person is named mayor for the next year.

Residents can also “elect” to throw another person’s name into the hat for the annual mayoral drawing. In the past, there have even been a few cats and chickens “nominated” for the race.

In 2012, 4-year-old Robert “Bobby” Tufts began his own campaign to be mayor by visiting local businesses and handing out pins with his picture that said “Vote for Bobby!” This got people to throw the young politician’s name into contention with the other mayoral hopefuls of Dorset.

The tactic worked, not just one year but two. Mayor Tufts was re-elected to his second term on August 4, 2013 during this year’s Taste of Dorset.

The duties of the Mayor of Dorset are not too strenuous.

Tufts spends most of his time at daycare and attending political events such as the Governor’s Fishing Opener and receiving the key to the city.

On his political agenda for his 2013-2014 term, Mayor Tufts wants to raise money for his favorite charity, the Ronald McDonald House of Red River Valley in Fargo, North Dakota as well as get a new town welcome sign put into place.