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A Georgia man is little charged up about spending 15 hours in jail for plugging his electric car into a public outlet at his son's tennis practice.

Some say the officers' decision sets a dangerous precedent, especially considering how many of us charge our cell phones while on the go.

The story began when the Atlanta-based dad was waiting outside his son's school to pick him up from tennis practice.

Dad had some time to burn, and the car needed some juice.  The school had an outlet on one of the outside walls and he decided to plug the vehicle in.

That's when police approached him saying they intended to arrest him for theft: taking power from the school is a crime even if the brief charge only racked up about five cents worth of usage.

At the time, the matter seemed to have worked itself out and police sent the man on his way.

But then 11 days later, officers showed up at his from door with an arrest warrant.   It's not that the school wanted to press charges;  officers never asked administrators if they wanted to pursue the case.

The department reportedly said they made the arrest because the guy broke the law -- nothing more, nothing less.

The driver spent 15 hours in jail.

Suffice to say the family disagrees with that decision.  People charge personal electronics at public outlets all the time, they said, and you don't see people getting arrested for plugging in their cell phones.

Do you think the police overreacted?