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It's unclear whether the sandwich in question involved creamy or chunky peanut butter.

The question as to what type of jelly may or may not have been involved still remains a mystery.

However, an Iowa man was jailed last weekend after he and his brother threw down over peanut butter sandwiches.

Authorities say the dispute broke out after 51 year-old Jerome Davis reportedly ate a half dozen PB sandwiches in about an hour.

This angered his brother for some reason and their disagreement quickly escalated into a shouting match.

At some point the now-defendant pulled out a switch blade and threatened to use it against his brother.

Someone called local law enforcement and police arrived on the scene a short time later.   Davis was promptly arrested and was booked into the Polk County Jail on suspicion of assault and domestic abuse with a weapon.

The court has also issued a no-contact order against Davis and have prohibited him from contacting his brother until the case is resolved.

His brother has not made any formal statements with regard to the incident and it's unclear whether the feud is new or whether the pair have sparred over peanut butter sandwiches in the past.