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Tensions at a Florida Walmart were flying high earlier this month, prompting one jealous employee to open fire at a coworkers car.

Why?  Because he was jealous she won employee-of-the-month.

Willie Mitchell started harassing Sonia Diogene shortly after she received the honor.  He felt the only reason she'd done so well was because he frequently helped her do her job, she said, and that he's the one who deserved recognition.

The woman said things got so heated she eventually felt the need to approach a supervisor.  Mitchell kept making threatening remarks, she said, and insisted he "would show her".

Quite a few people witnessed that final argument, and they did their best to calm him down.

A few days later, after a parking lot security video showed his vehicle pulling alongside hers,  him pulling out a gun and opening fire, they realized the compassionate "there there...." didn't help.

Fortunately, Diogene was not inside the car when it happened; she first noticed the bullet hole when she was on her lunch break.

Feeling slighted is one thing, but shooting up a vehicle over it is another.

The now defendant has reportedly been charged with discharging a firearm from a vehicle.

Walmart fired the man immediately after the incident took place.

Mitchell may never be their employee of the month, but employees say that after something like this, he's not likely to be forgotten.