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A 68 year-old Arkansas man has found himself behind bars after butt-dialing the the person he intended to have killed.

Defendant Larry Barnett was completely unaware that he'd called the target victim from his back pocket, but man, did this guy get an earful.  Police records show the intended target listened in on the call for about an hour and a half.

Barnett not only provided a hit man an accurate description of the victim,  he also gave directions to the guy's house.

Suffice to say, he called police as soon as the call was over.   Police were reportedly told that Barnett was quite clear in his request and suggested the hit man try to make it look as if the target died in an accidental house fire.

When they drove to the home of the complainant, they discovered someone had in fact broken in and tampered with the gas line to the stove.  Barnett and his accomplice have since been charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

This, however, isn't the first time police have been tipped off to a crime via butt dial.

Earlier this year a pair of 20 year-old knuckleheads butt-dialed 9-1-1 when they were trying to find some drugs.  The operator realized the call was a mistake but kept on listening.  Approximately 30 minutes later the conversation switched to car burglary-  the entire incident was caught on tape.

The dispatcher then passed the information onto police and the suspects were arrested a short time later.