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Three Florida men have been arrested after pilfering a 9-foot, purple chicken statue.

Defendants Darrin Edwards, Tyler Jones and James Smith were booked into the Putnam County Jail and charged with grand theft.  Edwards was also charged with violating the terms of his probation.

Sheriff's deputies said they received an incident call at about 6 a.m. last Tuesday.   The statue's owner, Ben Smith, said he heard a loud commotion outside of his home as he was getting dressed for work.  He told dispatch officials that he heard unknown persons screaming and hollering in his yard.

Smith stepped outside to investigate.  This is when he reportedly saw his chicken statue had been tied to the back bumper of a pick-up truck.  The 600 pound aluminum bird had been drug off his property and was traveling down the street, he said.

At some point he observed one of the suspects getting out of the vehicle and mount the statue.  It is unclear which of the suspects decided to hop on for a brief joyride.

Authorities say the chicken was cut loose about a mile from its home.  The $2,300 statue sustained damage to one side, a broken claw and a broken leg.   Smith has not said what his anticipated repair costs will be.  He has not indicated whether he intends to re-mount the bird outside of his home.

At the time Edwards taken into custody he was ineligible for release due to the parole violation.  The other two defendants had reportedly been bonded out.  Bail for Smith and Jones had been set at $1,004 each.

The charge of grand theft is typically associated with the unlawful taking of an item valued in excess of $400.  Penalties can range from community service, fines and possibly jail time.  The men are scheduled to appear in court later this month.  The matter is ongoing.