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You would think something like this would fall into the category of common sense.

However, one 24-year old former fast food worker needed to learn his lesson the hard way.  It all started during the summer of 2012 when former McDonald's employee Dalton Urselean decided to spit in the sandwich of an on-duty officer.

Police reports have not indicated what prompted the oral assault, nor did they say how the officer came to learn of the offense.

Either way, the  policeman said he didn't order a side of spittle with his meal.

Court records reportedly show that Urselean submitted to a blood pathogen test after he was booked into the local jail.  When the results came back, he was informed he'd tested positive for hepatitis C.

Urselean's attorney said his client was unaware he had been infected and was not sure how long he carried the disease.   The officer has since tested negative, although he's indicated developing a heightened fear of blood borne pathogens.

The defendant pled no contest to placing a harmful object in food and will serve at least 29 months in a local detention facility.

His attorney said his client now understand the gravity of the situation and has expressed remorse for making such a bad and disgusting decision.