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We all get into lively “discussions” with friends, family and loved ones from time to time.

A heated argument can quickly spiral into something that does physical damage. And that’s when the police have to get involved.

Some of the most ridiculous arguments can end with an arrest, for one or both parties involved.

Here are three 2013 cases of a rabid discussion ending in handcuffs and a ride to the police station:

Don’t Scratch!

On February 19, 2013, Ronald Howard, 30, and his girlfriend Shalamar Petrarca, 25, were getting ready to eat dinner when an argument between the two started over the proper time and place for a man to “scratch himself”.

Petrarca was of the mind that it was not acceptable to do in front of her because it was “disgusting".

Howard, however, felt that he was being criticized and reportedly told his girlfriend to “stop judging him” .

Petrarca claimed that Howard then shoved her to the ground, causing her to scrape her ankle, and then forced her out of the home.

The woman called the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office to report the incident. Since she did have a visible injury to her ankle, Howard was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery.

A Bad Date

Most married couples are looking for new ways to spice up their relationship, and keep the magic alive.

That seems to be all Jennifer Lee, 46, was hoping for one night in March when she and her husband, 68-year-old Benjamin Lee, went out for a night of beer and wings at Beef O’Brady’s.

Jennifer had planned to continue their date night with a round of miniature golf followed by a cozy night at a local motel. Her husband, though, was ready to call it a night after the wings and told his wife he wanted to go home instead.

Understandably, Jennifer was put out by her husband’s lack of romance.

But instead of settling for giving him the cold shoulder, she chose to slap him repeatedly and yank on his hair while they were waiting at a red light.

What she didn’t expect was for a police officer to be watching in the next vehicle.

The deputy pulled the couple over to see what the problem was. When they explained, Mrs. Lee was arrested and charged with elder abuse (battery of a person over 65), landing her a night alone in the Land O’Lakes jail.

Battle of the Bands

It is a debate that has long been raging since the demise of guitarist legend Jimi Hendrix: Who is the best living guitarist- Eddie Van Halen or Slash?

This question has pitted brother against brother and turned best friends into mortal enemies.

In February, a couple was causing a disturbance at a Motel 6 in Cleveland while having a very heated argument about this very question. It became such a problem, in fact, that hotel staff felt the need to call in the police.

The couple managed to calm down once police arrived, but it was soon found that they both had outstanding warrants and were taken into custody.