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San Leandro K9 credited for capturing a fleeing suspect

A domestic violence suspect has been booked into the Santa Rita Jail after being apprehended by a police dog.

Police say it all started on Sunday night when officers took note of a man who was riding his bicycle without the property safety lights.

When they stopped the man to question him, Charles Fryer gave them his name, but quickly tossed the bike and made a run for it.   The suspect took cover in a few blocks over and was reportedly seen running from property to property.

Officers gave chase but quickly lost their visual.

That, they said, is when the K-9 unit was called in.  The police dog helped them perform a yard to yard search, they said, and Fryer was eventually found hiding in the crawlspace of a nearby home.

Had it not been for the dog, police said, he may have gotten away.

Taking a bite out of crime

Fryer sustained minor injuries during the apprehension and was taken to a local hospital to be treated.

He was later determined to have a handful of outstanding arrest warrants- one of which related to a prior domestic violence arrest.

Fryer, they said, is schedule to be arraigned in the Hayward Superior Court.