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You might say their problems started several years ago when budget cuts prevented the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department from hiring new jail staff.

You could also say the problem was magnified after the state started shifting certain prisoners from their facilities to county jails.

Regardless as to when things started,  the outcome was predictable.

Jail staff numbers are reportedly declining while the inmate population is rising.  Many deputies are retiring or leaving the department, they said, and the Sonoma County Jail has had a heck of a time finding qualified replacements.

Working it out

Those who have stuck it out have found themselves working a growing number of hours- which is costing the county an arm and a leg in overtime pay.  It also has many questioning whether staff members' long days and nights is impacting safety.

The immediate solution, according to a spokesperson, was to work out a deal with Alameda County to bus about 100 wine country inmates to serve time at the Santa Rita Jail.

That facility has ample open bed space, they said, and it will save Sonoma County a nice chunk of change.  First, they'll save money on overtime pay.  Second, the per-day detention cost in Alameda County is $85 per day, as opposed to the $135 per day it costs to house someone in their jail.

The next prong of their plan involves recruiting and training qualified jail staff.   Corrections department officials say they're looking to fill more than 130 positions.

Those interested in applying are encouraged to contact the sheriff's department for more details.