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If you were a security guard at a national retail chain and you crossed paths with a customer looking to gain a five-finger discount, you'd likely start barking out orders-- something along the lines of "stop!" or "thief!" or "put your hands where I can see them!"

And that's exactly what happened last week, when local Wal-Mart employees stumbled across a transient who was trying to make off with some loot.

The shoplifter, 24 year-old Roxanne Melonzon, decided to bite back, and not in the figurative sense.  She literally bit one of the security officers who caught her red handed.

A spokesperson from the Union City Police Department said when they arrived at the scene, they found the suspect had been detained in the store's security office and a security official who had sustained a reasonably firm bite to the chest during the capture.

Melonzon reportedly started to calm down after officers showed up-- and she remained calm until police found a meth pipe on her person and approximately four grams of meth in her bra.

The suspect was booked into the Santa Rita Jail on petty theft, assault and drug possession charges.  Her bail bond has been set at $42,500 and sources say she's set to appear in the Freemont Hall of Justice later this week.