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Those interested in participating in the second annual Oakland Police Department Foundation golf tournament will need to submit their registration entries by tomorrow.

A representative for the Foundation said that all monies raised will be used to help provide program funding for at-risk youth and will also be used to help train police officers.

The entry fee is $150 per golfer and the fee includes 18 holes of golf, lunch, and a themed dinner that is set to take place at the Berkeley's Tilden Park golf course later that night.    Registration will kick off at 9:30 and the official start time is set to begin two hours later.

The Foundation's president said more than 90 golfers have registered thus far.  In 2013, nearly $12,000 was raised, he said, and they are hoping to more than quadruple that amount this year.

Organizers said there will also be a putting contest and a silent auction.  The winner of the putting contest could take home upward of $5,000.  Those interested in participating in the silent auction will be able to bid on things like vacations, airplane rides and boat trips.

If you or someone you know is interested in sponsoring the event, sponsorship opportunities are available from $150 to $10,000.   Dinner tickets are reportedly on sale for $40 each.

For more information on the tournament, be sure to visit the Oakland Police Department Foundation website.