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An Oakland man found himself in a pretty sticky situation last week after his hijinks at a City Council meeting landed him in jail.

No one is quite sure why 20 year-old Dante Cano was at the public meeting, but they are sure that he was out of order.  At some point, the man, who was screaming jibber jabber, ran toward and jumped on a raised speaking platform at the center of the room.

Officers said he was eventually detained, thanks to the efforts of community members and a city staffer.

The ball-cap and backpack-wearing young man was arrested and charged with trespassing and disturbing a public meeting. When he was booked a the Santa Rita Jail, though, the jailers found he had outstanding warrants.

Sources say his bail bonds were set at $70,000.

City Council representatives have said that from now on, Oakland Police Department officers will be present at all of their meetings.

Read the full story here: Man arrested after jumping on dais during Oakland council meeting