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An Atherton-based contractor has been arrested and booked into the San Mateo County jail on six felony counts.  The arrest stems from recent work he did for a local resident and the charges include grand theft, diversion of funds, making or passing a fictitious check and one count of obtaining money by false pretenses.

The man in question is reported to be 53 year-old Richard Smith.  A spokesperson for the San Mateo Sheriff's Department said it is believed he intended to defraud the resident out of approximately $400,000.  The defendant's bail was set at $75,000.  It is unclear whether he or a member of his family reached out to a local bondsman in order to arrange his release.

Smith's attorney said the charges are without merit, saying the charges were brought by a vindictive person for a "deal gone bad".  The defendant is scheduled to appear back in court on Dec. 20 for a formal arraignment.  It is believed he will enter a plea of not guilty.

When someone is arrested in San Mateo County they will want to correspond with a local, expert bondsman to help arrange their release.  The cost to purchase a bond is 10% of the total bail amount.  Clients who are unable to pay up front, in full, will want to find a company that can assist them with bail bonds financing.