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A spokesperson for the San Mateo Police Department has confirmed that officers have arrested Felix Becerra, a 42 year-old McDonalds manager who robbed his own store.

Becerra is also believed to have held up another San Mateo restaurant at gunpoint during that same week.

Officers said they captured the suspect after San Mateo Police followed a vehicle that had been linked to an armed robbery at a local McDonalds.

It was later learned that this same vehicle was linked to a second robbery, this one taking place at the franchise location in Alameda County that employed him.  Officers said that Becerra climbed through the store's drive through window, pointed a gun at the employees and demanded they bring him cash from the safe.

Once he had the money in hand, he ordered them into a freezer and ordered then to stay put for at least 30 minutes.

The second robbery reportedly took place a few days later.  This time, he surfaced at a San Mateo McDonald's and repeated his previous crime.  These employees were also ordered into the store's freezer.  The suspect got away but was pulled over by San Mateo Police Department officers later that night.

A search of his car uncovered a gun that was used in the crimes, a large amount of cash and clothing that was believed to have been worn during the robberies.

Officers said they didn't connect the crimes until a few weeks later.  It was at that time that members of the San Mateo Police Department contacted their Pleasanton counterparts, saying that they believed he may be the same suspect they were looking for.

The District Attorney's office said they intend to prosecute him on the armed robberies that took place in San Mateo County.   A representative for the Alameda County District Attorney's office said they also intend to bring him up on charges for the second robbery.