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A wanted fugitive that tweeted 'Catch me if you can" has been captured by authorities.

The woman in question, 60 year-old Wanda Podgurski has been on the run for approximately six months.  Podgurski had initially been brought up on charges of disability insurance fraud.  Authorities said she had taken out six large insurance policies while she had been working as an Amtrack clerk.

Prosecutors said the woman claimed to have fallen inside her home. She alleged she was so injured that she required round-the-clock in-home care. Insurance claims were filed with Prudential, Kanawha Insurance Company, Metropolitan Insurance Company, Unum Life Insurance Company, Reassure America Life Insurance Company and the Balboa Insurance Group. An additional disability claim was filed with her employer and the Amtrak Railroad Retirement Board.

Prosecutors reportedly said she received more than than $660,000 in disability payments.  Investigators were assigned to look into her case.  They saw the woman walking about freely and climbing stairs without any problems.

Further investigation showed that during the time she was supposedly too injured to function on her own she was taking lavish trips with her boyfriend.  The chosen destinations included Ft. Lauderdale, China, Boston, New York, Seattle and the Dominican Republic.

Podgurski was eventually brought up on federal charges but was released on $500,000 bond. She attended each court hearing throughout the duration of her trial but skipped town before being sentenced.   Despite her being a no-show at the sentencing hearing the judge convicted her on 29 felony counts.  These included tax evasion, grand theft, perjury and insurance fraud.  White collar enhancements were also added due to the defendant having defrauded more than half a million dollars from insurance providers.

In an effort to add insult to injury, the defendant began posting taunting tweets on her Twitter account.  A June 5 tweet read "catch me if you can".  A second taunted authorities to capture her before she conned anyone else.

Investigators have not indicated whether the tweets actually came from Podgurski or if they were posted on a fictitious account.

Authorities said the US Marshals captured the woman earlier this week.  She was taken into custody at an undisclosed location in Mexico that is approximately 15 miles south the US / Mexico border.  Podgurski is being held at the San Diego federal jail pending trial.  She currently has two no-bail holds.  She is therefore ineligible to post San Diego MCC federal bail bonds.

If convicted she faces more than 22 years in prison and will need to pay $1 million in fines and penalties.  The matter is ongoing.