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The Coronado Police Department received a number of incident calls in the past month, many of which related to theft, vandalism and burglary.

CPD officers first looked into an alleged forger who was accused of reporting that more than $11,000 in fraudulent charges were made on his credit card in 2011.   A package of media tablets was said to be stolen from an area postal store, they said, and the devices have not yet been recovered.

Multiple instances of petty theft were also reported, many of which included crimes of bike theft.  This crime has long been a problem in the city of Coronado, said elected officials, who are urging residents to lock their bicycles securely when they leave them out in public.

Bike related burglaries are also on the rise, and renters and property owners are reminded to lock garage windows and doors as a means of deterring would-be thieves.

Vandalism was reported at both the Coronado Lawn Bowling Club and on a sidewalk outside Tidelans Park. The sidewalk was sprayed with white paint, officers said, and flowerbeds and plants were uprooted at the bowling club.  This is the second time the club has been it in recent weeks.

Three vehicles were taken in the past month, police said, two of which were Hondas.  The third was a Kia Sorrento.  It's unclear whether the cars have been recovered.

Coronado police are asking anyone who believes they have information about the suspects is asked to place an anonymous tip.