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The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors recently voted unanimously to keep its county manager for the next four years. John Maltbie served as an interim county manager for the past year, coming out of retirement to fill the position. However, the board believed Maltbie had brought "great stability" and a "wealth of knowledge" to the county, the Palo Alto Daily News reported. One of the main projects under Maltbie's tenure has been a new jail for San Mateo, in order to manage the influx of inmates coming to the county as a result of the California prison realignment program.

Maltbie told the Daily News the idea to stay in the manager position was as much his as it was the board's. He said he wanted to continue the projects of building a new jail and balancing the budget.

"I'm certainly enjoying it," Maltbie said, according to the article. "I'm excited about the next few years, what the county has a chance of accomplishing."

Currently, the San Mateo County Jail is between 130 and 140 percent of its capacity, according to the San Mateo County Sheriff's Department website. To be able to house the additional inmates being transferred from state prisons through California's realignment program and alleviate ongoing overcrowding,  the county has decided to build a new jail in Redwood City. The facility will sit on a 4.7-acre piece of land in Redwood City and cost $160 mi