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A man who is accused of killing a retired school teacher after busting out of the San Bernardino County Jail is also accused of trying to bust out of a detention facility in Contra Costa County, as well.

Prosecutors say that Darnell Washington actually tried to create an escape tunnel out of his Martinez Jail cell window and even started to tie sheets together to use during his run for the hills.

This marks the third escape attempt for the man.  He had one failed escape in San Bernardino County as well, prosecutors said, but he was captured before he could carry out the plan.

The news of the jailbreaks came about after his attorney requested the man be allowed to appear in court without shackles.   Suffice to say, the judge denied that request.

Washington and his wife are both in quite a bit of hot water after going on an alleged interstate crime spree.  First, his partner helped bust him out of the Southern California lock up facility.  From there, the pair is accused of carjacking, robbery and murder.

Prosecutors say he is also the prime suspect in the shooting of an LA Sheriff's Department Deputy that took place in late 2012.

Although the Contra Costa case is still pending, Washington still needs to face the music for the LA County matter and could face additional sentencing. In that case, he would not be eligible to post bail bonds.

Read the full story here: Hercules:  Suspected jail escapee, murderer had tried to escape from Contra Costa jail too