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A representative for the Redwood City jail project has confirmed the County Board of Supervisors has almost locked down a name.

Construction on the facility began in July 2012.  The facility is expected to reach completion during the middle part of 2015.  Sources close to the project say it will cost about $160 million and will be about 260,000 square feet in size.

In addition, the new jail will have a rated capacity of 640 beds.  The supervisors previously said they were happy that the county and Redwood City were able to come to agreement on the chosen location.

Monies for construction came in part from a state grant.  This allocated approximately $500 million for statewide construction of new jails.  San Mateo County needed to apply for grants in order to help cover local costs.

The initial application was approved.  That denial came just days after the supervisors green lighted the new facility.  Proponents of the plan say a bigger and updated detention center was needed.

That need was largely tied to the CA prisoner realignment program.  Under that program many low-level, non-serious and non-sexual offenders have started to be transferred from state prisons to county jails.

County officials have since been scrambling to deal with the added capacity.

Many lower-level local offenders have been let go early. Some have had their sentences cut in half. Others have been outfitted with GPS devices.  Law enforcement spokespeople have said that neither of these options are good.

Crime rates have started to climb. Burglaries and crimes against property have risen throughout California.  More bed space is needed, they said, because letting criminals go before their sentences are served places the public at risk.  Neighborhood safety is being impacted in a negative way.

Representatives for the Redwood City Jail have said this facility will focus on rehabilitation.  It will offer job training, educational opportunities and computer labs.  Their goal is to better reintegrate offenders back into society with tools that will help keep them out of trouble.

Not only will this reduce recidivism rates, it will reduce the likelihood that their children will follow in unlawful footsteps.

The supervisors are expected to vote to name the new detention facility the Maple Street Correctional Center.    The name was chosen based on its proximity to Highway 101.  It is partially related to its location at 1300 Maple Street.

The Sheriff's department is hopeful that the opening of this jail will help reduce overcrowded conditions at the current correctional centers.

Operating expenses for the new Redwood City jail are reportedly expected to topple $40 million each year.