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A representative from the Menlo Park Police Department has confirmed that a donation from Facebook is helping pay for a new substation.

Facebook has remained tight lipped on the matter.  Few details are known about how the social media giant and the Menlo Park PD partnership came together.


It is believed that Facebook may approached the city on their own.  Elected officials reported said the social media site is very active within the community.  They believe that Facebook may have heard about plans for the substation by keeping up on current local events.   City records show they will be picking up more than $30,000 per year in lease costs.  The city will be responsible for covering an additional $11,400.

The website will also reportedly pay for up to $100,000 in renovations.  This will help save the Menlo Park Police Department quite a bit of money when it comes to move-in expenses.

The new substation will reportedly open in the Belle Haven district within the next three months.  Department officials said this area was previously ridden with criminal activity.

Narcotics were a big problem in Belle Haven, according to a spokesperson.  Crime rates were very high due to the numerous drug sales.  Street gangs contributed to the epidemic.

Department leaders said that reducing crime rates in this area are credited to a multi-agency collaboration.  The area is much safer today than it was in years past, they said.  Community members say they are happy that officers are more accessible. They look forward to the opening of the substation.

When the station opens it will be assigned one part-time officer.  That person will work on weekdays.  Their hours have not yet been determined.   Menlo Park Police Department officials have said they have most of the cash in hand.  They expect to take possession of the property within the next seven to ten days.