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It was the best of crimes, it was the worst of crimes...

Menlo Park Police say they're looking for a burglar who pulled off a rather anti climactic heist.  It all started several days ago when an unknown man broke into a local BevMo.

From there, he made a fast line to a box that (in theory) should have contained a $1,900 bottle of whiskey.  But it would seem the would-be thief was outsmarted by the store's manager, who had previously stashed the bottle in a safe,  locked area of the retail establishment.

The burglar did get away with the box, and when he made it back to wherever he came from, he learned it was empty.

A glass case that contained several bottles of champagne was also broken into, they said, but none of those items were stolen.

Once the burglar is captured he'll be booked into the San Mateo Jail where he'll be held pending bail bonds.  The exact nature of what he'll be charged with is still being determined.

Read the full story here:  BevMo burglar gets away with an empty box