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Inmate hunger strike participants at the Martinez Jail have won their demands.  Many of these inmates had opted to participate in the statewide hunger strike that was initiated early last month.

That strike was put together by a group of Pelican Bay prisoners who felt that placing suspected gang members in solitary confinement for indefinite periods of time was inhumane.

Martinez Jail inmates quickly hopped on board.  They also put together their own list of demands.

The first was that the corrections department cease the Administrative Segregation housing program.  They felt that many of these inmates were being denied due process.  Certain persons have been moved to this unit without notification or hearing.

Demand number two requested jail officials cease locking inmates in cells that do not have windows or light controls.  In some cases people are being held in these cells for more than 48 hours and have not been granted access to showers or phones.  Persons held for more than 48 hours requested 60 minutes each morning to groom.  They also asked to be provided with cleaning supplies.

The third demand was that the jail stop the practice of conducting mental health appointments at the doors of inmate cells.  The strikers reportedly felt this practice violates privacy.

They also requested that mentally ill inmates no longer be housed with the general population.  This is for safety and sanity reasons.

Lastly, the strikers indicated a belief that the denial of access to pens. This impacts their ability to send letters to friends and family.  It also inhibits their ability to prepare documents for court.

Martinez Jail staff said demand number one was granted in full.  Demand number two is being worked on.  As far as demand number three, mental health services will no longer be held at cell doors.

The jail has said that with regard to demand number four, the ceasing of housing of mentally ill inmates with the general population, this request was denied. It is only done as a last resort, they said.

Lastly, inmates will now be granted permission to purchase ink pens form the canteen.  Those who have participated in the strike say they are pleased with the outcome at the Martinez Jail and that they have ended their protest.