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When someone is released from jail, it's natural to want to get out of Dodge as quickly as possible.

Some inmates call family members, others call friends.

Twenty one year-old Qais Yoeisi, however, thought the best course of action involved stealing a parked cab... or maybe he had seen this employment ad.

The man was released from the San Diego Central Jail on Wednesday morning.  From there, he spotted an unoccupied Yellow Cab and decided he'd grab the vehicle to drive himself home.

SDPD officers were quick to follow.

Yoeisi reportedly tried to evade capture by hopping onto  Interstate 15, and led police on a brief highway chase.  He eventually pulled over about 5 miles later,  stepped out of the cab and surrendered peacefully.

He is currently being held on a "no-bail hold" pending arraignment.  He is being charged with committing a felony while out on bail, grand theft auto and receiving stolen property.  It's not immediately clear when the defendant was first arrest, or how long he had been in custody prior to his joy ride.

This, however, is not the first incident of someone being released from the San Diego Central Jail only to find themselves back behind bars that same day.

Earlier this summer, an unnamed man was released after hours.   Jail staff said a short time later, the man found a large concrete rock, carried it back to the facility and used it to shatter one of their front doors.

Sheriff's deputies said the man said he didn't have anywhere to go and wanted to be booked back into custody.