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The San Mateo County Sheriff's Department has announced a partnership with an organization that provides job training to those of lesser financial means.

Job Train has been working with Silicon Valley residents since 1965.  They help prepare persons on welfare, unemployment and/or those with prior criminal convictions enter the workforce.  A spokesperson for the program said they have a 75% placement rate.

The sheriff's department has confirmed that Job Train has been offering classes for county inmates.  This allows Maguire Jail detainees to participate in a variety of professional training programs.  Low and medium security inmates are eligible.   Maguire Jail representatives said these individuals possess a high level of commitment when it comes to turning their lives around.  Job training will allow them a greater ability to reenter the workforce upon their release.

A handful of inmates that have completed their coursework was reported to have held a graduation ceremony last weekend.   Those who enrolled in the culinary program helped cater the event.  One graduate, who has since been released from the Maguire Jail, wrote a letter of thanks.  He said he is happy to be on the straight and narrow, he said.  This man also said he was happy to be able to help his family out with money when they needed it.

A number of local businesses have committed to hiring Job Train graduates.  The Sheriff's Department said there are many success stories that come out of this program.   Others have said they hope these types of educational opportunities will help reduce the county's recidivism rates.