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A Contra Costa Sheriff's Department Lt. has been tapped as the new Chief of the Orinda Police Department.  Current Chief Jeff Jennings announced he will be leaving the post to take a position with a different department.  Lt. Scott Haggard took over the role late last week.

Haggard graduated from the California State University of Sacramento.  He joined the Contra Costa Sheriff's Department a short time later.   Friends and coworkers describe him as being an honest man who has a strong commitment to serving the public.  Haggard said he looks forward to being able to keep Orinda's residents, guests and visitors safe from harm.

The former Chief accomplished a lot in his three years with the Orinda PD.  They initiated a home burglary audit program that allowed residents to better secure their homes.  In addition, they collaborated with a citizen group to help facilitate Orinda Night Out.  The night promotes crime awareness community members.  Jennings said he is also very proud of the department's commitment to transparency.

Local elected officials reportedly said the former Chief did an outstanding job and say he will be greatly missed.  They look forward to having their tradition of excellence continued under the Orinda PD's new leadership.