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A lone City Councilman who wanted to increase police spending by 25 percent has had his plan rejected.

The idea was simple- reallocate part of the city's budget to provide additional funding to the San Jose Police Department.  As it stands, the city allocates 30 percent of their annual budget to public safety.

Had the plan been approved, this would have increased to 40 percent.

Although no one will argue that public safety is important, the mayor, other council members and city residents reportedly say the reallocation would have been disastrous.

Some pointed out that libraries would have needed to close.  Others say the only way the city could have covered the increased police spending would have involved closing community centers.

But that's not to say that crime reduction isn't a priority.  Late last week the mayor proposed a measure that would re-establish the San Jose Police Department burglary unit.

The unit was reportedly closed down a few years back, according to city documents, because there just wasn't enough money in the budget to keep it running.

Since that time, however, the number of break-ins has steadily increased.

If the measure is approved the burglary unit could be operational again by the start of summer.