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Parents are shocked he was hired despite an ongoing investigation

A 32-year old middle school teacher who was fired from his old job on child sex abuse charges, but managed to get hired at a new school has been arrested.

The man in question, Ronald Guinto, has been working at the Mira Vista Elementary School since January.

The district said that while they did run a criminal background check on Guinto when he applied they never called the last school he worked at to get a reference check.

Richmond Police say they've been investigating the man since he was fired from his previous job last November.

A department spokesperson said they kicked the investigation into high gear after they learned he got another teaching job.

Defendant booked on multiple counts of lewd acts with a child

Guido is currently being held at the Contra Costa County Jail on a long list of charges including lewd acts on a child, assault with the intent to commit sodomy and forced oral copulation.

Authorities say the victims are all boys who are under the age of 14 and that the alleged incidents happened off campus.

Investigators say they're extremely surprised the defendant was hired at a new school and question how much of a background check administrators actually performed.

A school spokesperson has declined to comment, although they did say that none of the alleged incidents involved Mar Vista Elementary School students.

Guinto's criminal record came back clean

Although Guinto's termination from his previous job was reported to the state teaching board, his background check did not show a criminal record since he had not yet been charged.

The school said he'd been working as a sub for a number of years, so they never thought to call his other school to get a reference.

The district has said they are revising their policy and will start doing reference checks on all applicants.

The defendant reportedly remains in custody on $1.4 million bail.