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Easy come, easy go.

The Contra Costa jails had high hopes that state officials would approve their $80 million grant bid, but the project didn't get the green-light vote from Sacramento officials.

California had set aside $500 million in a Criminal Justice Facilities Construction fund earlier this year and just about every county in the state sought out a piece of that pie.

Some, like Orange County, fared better than others.  Their bid was approved on Thursday and the Board of Supervisors is expecting to accept the funds this July.   Fresno, San Mateo and Sacramento will also receive grant money.

Had the Contra Costa jails bid been approved, the monies would have been used to build a 480-bed stand-alone wing at the current jail.  It also would have helped provide mental health services, medical, dental and rehabilitation services to Richmond inmates.

County officials say they'll try again next year.

They hope the next round of funding will help them provide programs at the West County Detention Facility that will help inmates make a smoother transition back into society.   Reducing recidivism is a top goal, they said, and state grant construction funding will allow them to pay for these types of programs.

Others disagree.   Some organizations are reportedly pushing for alternatives to incarceration, and want the state to rescind all their grant awards.  They feel the money would be better spent on job training and community-based education programs.

That request, however, is expected to fall on deaf ears.