Why should an attorney develop a business relationship with a bail bondsman
Many criminal defense attorneys take calls at all hours. Like a bondsman, a good criminal attorney knows that they need to be available when the potential client is in need or the business may go to someone else. So, let's say you’re a criminal defense attorney, or other attorney who out of courtesy and business relationship gives your cell phone number out readily to clients. You receive a 3:00 AM call from an arrested client. “I’m in jail—get me out”, demands your client. “Let me see what I can do,” you reply. If you're like many attorneys, you don't get this type of call often. Instead, clients seek come to you after they've been released from jail. You're not about to tell the client you don't know a bondsman. You turn to Google and hope you get a bondsman who won't embarrass you and knows what he's doing.
Have a Bail Bondsman on Speed-dial
As bondsmen, time and again when people meet us we hear, "I'll never need your services." I immediately reply, "Well if you do, call 888 Bail Bond." Countless times, we receive calls saying, "Remember when I told you I'd never need you…"
If you’re an attorney, it makes sense to develop a relationship with a professional bail bondsman. Here are a few reasons why:
- Any business referral that is made by an attorney is a direct reflection on that attorney. For example, if a criminal defense attorney recommends a bail bondsman who isn't reputable, cannot perform, doesn't know the particular jail system, or just does a sub-standard job, the defendant will rightfully question that attorney’s judgment.
- A quality bondsman can do many extra services for attorneys and clients such as being present in court for bail and 1275 hearings, 24 hour emergency service, signature bonds requiring no collateral, payment plans for the defendant, giving the defendant a ride home and more.
- An attorney should be working with a competent bail bondsman with the ability and experience to efficiently finalize large bail bonds. Large bail bond approvals (especially those exceeding $250,000) can be difficult to get approved. Bondsmen who haven't built a reputation in the industry may find more demands placed on their clients for even smaller bonds in the way of collateral requirements and additional co-signers.
- Much like fire insurance, you hope you never need your bondsman. When you do need it, you’re relieved that you’re prepared.
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