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Three individuals who were arrested after they stole a yacht and hosted a party aboard the boat are being held in lieu of a $1.01 million bail bond. According to Mercury News, the three suspects stole an 82-foot Oyster Marine 82 luxury yacht named Darling.

The suspects were eventually arrested and identified as Leslie Gardner of Wyoming and Dario Mira and Lisa Modawell of Aptos, California. Mercury News reported the yacht is valued at more than $1 million and is the reason for the high bail. The three suspects are being held on suspicion of boat theft.

When police tried to stop the boat and its occupants after it was found crashed on shore, the suspects held police at a stand-off. The article stated authorities believe the three were able to use the boat's keys left in the cabin to start the boat and make their way out onto the water.

ABC affiliate KGO-TV reported the three suspects are refusing to cooperate with police as they investigate the theft. Two of the suspects, Mira and Modawell, reportedly have previous arrest records including public disorder, theft and narcotics.

"Well yesterday when the detectives at the Pacifica Police Department interviewed the suspects they were less than forthcoming with information," said Daniel Steidle, a captain with the Pacifica Police Department.

The owner of the boat, John Fruth, told KGO-TV he did not know the suspected thieves.

Damage to the boat included a broken rudder, damaged propeller and a loose keel, according to KGO-TV. It is being repaired at a Richmond boatyard after it spent about 12 hours stuck in the sand.