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The San Mateo County Sheriff Department announced it is searching for the people responsible for two robberies, one that took place at a local consignment store and another at a 7-Eleven in Half Moon Bay.

No surveillance video or photos are available from Home Consignment Center, where robbers got away with stolen jewelry, KTVU reported, and so police are asking the public to aid in the search for the suspects. Authorities said a group of masked robbers raided the store during the day October 30. They smashed a glass case, threatened workers and stole jewelry items before fleeing the scene in a gray Ford Mustang with two black racing stripes.

The men are reported to be white and in their 20s, the article stated. Law enforcement is also trying to determine if the robbery is in any way connected to other recent jewelry thefts in the Bay Area, including ones in San Pablo, Oakland and Berkeley.

CBS reported the sheriff's department has announced it is searching for two male suspects, both black and in their late 30s to late 40s,  who stole approximately $7,582 from a 7-Eleven store on October 29. Security cameras captured the robbers entering the convenience store. One of the men went to the register and asked the cashier about lottery tickets to distract the worker while the other suspect went into the back office and stole a bag of cash.

If arrested, the robbers may be booked in the the San Mateo County Jail in Redwood city, which has faced over population in recent years. To deal with the the overcrowding, the county is planning to construct a new facility on Chemical Way in Redwood City, the Sheriff's Department's website stated. The new facility would replace the Maple Street facility and offer more room to house the rising number of inmates in the county.