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New reports show that residents living in California's San Mateo County may not have to worry as much about crime in their neighborhoods as other residents of the state. According to the County of San Mateo's 2011-2012 profile document, the county's crime rate was one of the lowest in California in 2009. The number of violent crimes in the county has gone down over successive years; the number of violent crimes reported in the county in 2005 was 2,447, and by 2009, it was reduced to 2,072.

Despite the reduction in violent crimes in San Mateo, the statistics show that many still occur every year. Some examples of violent crime are murder, robbery or aggravated assault, which often can be related to carrying a concealed weapon or unlawful firearm. In California, possessing a firearm can result in serious charges or fines because it is considered a felony to unlawfully own and sell them.

If someone is arrested for in relation to a violent crime or for carrying an unlawful or illegally concealed weapon or firearm, having a friend or family member contact a bail bondsman may be one of their best options. Once a bail amount is set and 10 percent is paid, the individual being held will have a chance for release within two to 24 hours. Bail applications are easy to send, as long as the person bailing the individual out has access to a fax machine and an email address, cash, debit or credit card.

A San Mateo bail bondsman would be an ideal resource for anyone in the county going through the stress of an arrest, as a bondsman can make the process run more smoothly and answer any questions the arrested individual or his or her family may have as to which steps to take next.