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Technology could help San Mateo County save a significant amount of money and reduce the number of inmates being sent to the already overcrowded Redwood City jail, according to the Palo Alto Daily News. County officials recently unveiled a $160 million expansion project that will accommodate more inmates; however, many believe that something needs to be done in the meantime.

Electronically monitoring individuals charged with non-violent crimes and releasing them before trial could reduce the cost from $169 per day to hold someone in jail to just $7 to $10 per day, according to the source. However, electronic monitoring has pitfalls.

Speaking to a grand jury that is considering options to ease the overcrowding at the Redwood City jail, an assistant sheriff said that releasing inmates through an electronic monitoring program could endanger the public, according to the Daily News.

San Mateo County bail bonds are another means for arrested individuals to be released before trial. The assistant sheriff quoted by the news source said that as of April 2012, 230 of 950 inmates awaiting trial in San Mateo County were eligible for bail. Only 19 inmates qualified for electronic monitoring. The assistant sheriff also noted that the cost of electronic monitoring could run as high as $163 per day, if costs for supervision, administration, equipment and other factors are included.