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A man who allegedly robbed a bank in Redwood City was arrested and is being held at a San Mateo County jail in lieu of $50,000 bail, the Palo Alto Daily News reported.

Redwood City Police Sgt. Sean Hart said the man, Kendrick Roby, is believed to have robbed the BBVA Compass Bank on October 22. Authorities were able to follow a trail of loose cash to the apartment complex two blocks away that officials say Roby had escaped to, the article stated.

"We did find some money that was discarded and that's what continued us on the path to where he was hiding," Hart said, according to the Daily News article.

The robbery occurred around 11 a.m. Roby allegedly demanded money from the bank employees and threatened to shoot them if they did not obey, the article stated. He is believed to have grabbed an undisclosed amount of money before fleeing the scene.

Roby's first court appearance is scheduled for November 5. Authorities are also investigating whether he is responsible for the robbery of a local US Bank on October 12, according to the Daily News.