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It's just another day, another law enforcement services contract for members of the Orange County Sheriff's Department.

The most recent nod came earlier this week when the Laguna Niguel City Council agreed to keep the OCSD's current agreement in place.  But the biggest difference between this year and last, is the 8.45 percent services increase.

Ultimately, the city has agreed to pay more than $799,000 than it did last year.

Source close to city hall said that some of that is earmarked for a one-time equipment purchase.  Other portions of those funds will be used to help revamp an Aliso Viejo school resource officer position.

Contracting out law enforcement services is nothing new; in fact, a great number of unincorporated areas of the county, including San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente also work with the Orange County Sheriff's Department.  As for cities who do have a standalone government, many have found that partnering with the OCSD saves them quite a bit of money in the long run.

First, they don't need to run an in-house jail- defendants are usually taken directly to the Orange County jail to be processed.  They also don't need to worry about paying ever-growing pension costs, which has been Achilles heel to local governments across the state.

And last, they get the full backing and resources associated with the Sheriff's Department from the first moment a crime takes place.  This includes, if needed, helicopters, SWAT team members, a highly trained K-9 unit and more.

Despite the increase, Laguna Niguel feels that continuing the partnership is a win-win for everyone involved.