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When most people think of bank robbers, their minds wander to people in ski-masks who carry big guns.

But in Newport Beach, the most recent bank heist was pulled off by a clean-cut man who was sporting Prada sunglasses.  (If he can afford Prada, maybe he doesn't need to rob a bank... or maybe this isn't his first heist.) Authorities also say he didn't appear to have any sort of weapons with him when he decided to hold the Wells Fargo branch up.

The story goes something like this.  The mid 20-something walked in to the bank, cased the joint, turned around, walked back out and showed up again 10 minutes later with a demand note in hand.

Although authorities initially said he made off with about $500, that number was incorrect.  A spokesperson for the Newport Beach Police Department has said they can't confirm or deny the exact amount that was stolen.

Surveillance footage shows the robber fled north along Orchid Avenue after the robbery.  Authorities say they're still trying to identify the suspect so they can take him into custody.  Depending on where the man is arrested, he may be taken to the Newport Beach Jail or the Orange County Main Jail Complex in Santa Ana.

Bank robbers are never released OR, so if he wants to get out of jail pending trial, he'll need to post bail bonds.

Read the full story here:  Newport Beach bank robber wore Prada sunglasses, police say