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Former inmates of the Redwood City Jail are scheduled to have the opportunity to apply for positions at some major retail companies like Ikea and Target at a job fair in Redwood City on November 8. The fair will cater specifically to former convicts in an effort to help them leave their criminal lives behind and become active participants in society, the Palo Alto Daily News reported.

Approximately 25 companies signed up for the fair. Boris Chumak, aide to a member of the San Mateo Board of  Supervisors, told the source the participating companies know the fair participants have spent time behind bars. Companies that hire former convicts are eligible for a tax credits of up to $9,000 and job training reimbursements, which are coordinated through the county's Workforce Investment Board, the Daily News reported.

Local labor unions will also be at the fair, which could mean former inmates have the shot to land high-paying apprenticeship jobs. Resume writing and job interview training opportunities will also be available at the fair. Former inmates who have non-violent, non-sexual and minor convictions are welcome at the event, according to the flier, the Daily News reported.

Chumak said a major motivation is keeping former convicts out of the local county jails in order to avoid overpopulation. The California prison realignment program has transferred many low-level offenders to county facilities. While the program has helped alleviate the severe overcrowding at state prisons, many county lockups are facing increased pressure to offer more probation and treatment services that keep these offenders from returning to jail and creating overcrowding in their facilities. The San Mateo County Jail is already at 130 to 140 percent of its rated capacity, according to the San Mateo County Sheriff's Department's website.

Another way to reduce overcrowding in jails is to increase the number of arrested individuals who post bail. Those who are arrested and face possible time in the overcrowded county jail system in California can contact a professional bail bondsman to learn the necessary bail bond information related to payment methods and other aspects of the bail process.