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San Mateo County bail bonds are available for many people who are arrested, but bail is no longer an option for one defendant. A former child psychiatrist and a once prominent member of the northern California county recently was denied bail after a judge found him mentally competent to stand trial.

According to the San Mateo County Times, 80-year-old William Ayres is accused of engaging in inappropriate conduct while he was practicing, but contended that he didn't remember due to his dementia.

However, after being committed to a hospital, the institution released a report on July 24 stating that officials believed the former doctor was using his knowledge of the psyche to manipulate others to avoid trial.

Although a jury deadlocked in 2009 as to whether he was guilty of the alleged misbehavior, the decision regarding his competence came after several discussions between him and his examiners. His new trial date is set for October.