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Two former employees of a local community college were arrested for allegedly embezzling more than $100,000 in public money.

Bradley Witham and Mark Boustos were both recently fired from the San Mateo County Community College after being charged  with improperly using the college's credit card, CBS reported.

“One of the individuals was using a procurement card that belonged to the district, making transactions online, purchasing numerous electronic items, and then selling them on websites like eBay and Craigslist and making a profit,” said Deputy District Attorney Karen Guidotti, according to CBS.

Witham is being held on $1 million bail and will next appear in court on November 14. Boustos has a preliminary hearing scheduled for November 2, and has posted a $250,000 bail from a San Mateo County jail. Both men are 42 years old, a San Mateo County Daily Journal article stated. The two reportedly made more than 70 transactions on the college's credit card between June 2006 and June 2012. Both men have pleaded not guilty to the charges, which also include conspiracy and identity theft.