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The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors is considering allocating revenue generated from an increased sales tax to the new jail project in Redwood City, the Palo Alto Daily News reported.

The sales tax in all of the county's cities will increase half a cent starting April 1, 2013, the source reported. In Half Moon Bay and Hillside, the sale tax will increase even more. The tax is expected to generate $60 million annually.

Using the money to finance a new jail is among a list of suggestions from County Manager John Maltbie, the Daily News reported. Other suggestions include paying down existing debt and liabilities, funding capital improvements, buying a new payroll system and keeping county parks open or supporting children's services and programs.

"While the approval of Measure A was a vote of confidence in county government and those who work so hard to deliver quality services, it must be remembered that this authority will sunset in 10 years," said Maltbie, the article stated. "How these funds are spent will undoubtedly determine whether voters renew this tax."

Board Vice President Dave Pine said he believes making sure the county's "fiscal house in in good order," should be the top priority, which includes lowering the county deficit and making sure the jail is paid for, the Daily News said.

In September, the board of supervisors unanimously approved the construction of a new jail in Redwood City. CBS affiliate KCBS reported the board approved $160 million in funding for the project. The new jail is needed due to the state's prison realignment program increasing jail inmate population numbers in the county. The source said the county will also seek state funding for the jail construction.