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Late last week a beach area blogger stumbled upon quite the spectacle.

It all started when as seemingly entitled, long brown-haired 20 year-old woman was walking her dog on the sand. This is a big no-no, as per city ordinance, because the four-legged animals' excrement have been making seals sick, and sick seals have been making dogs sick.

Signs are posted everywhere, and although there's a decent sized contingent of residents who chose to ignore the law, for the most part, when the LAPD Pacific Station police catch them, they issue a verbal warning and shoo them back to the sidewalk.

That was, until little-miss-hissy-fit-pants flipped her pancakes and caused a rip-roaring scene.

When they asked her to leave the beach she snarked back.  "This is a service animal," she said.  But when police asked her to produce the proper documentation she refused to turn over whatever piece of paper she claimed served as a proverbial hall pass.
Instead of complying with their requests, she completely ignored them and started to walk off, saying she knew her rights and didn't have to show them a gosh darn thing. The officers told her multiple times to stop, but she refused and became increasingly snotty (and threatened to call her lawyer).

It eventually got to the point where they called for back up- and moved to detain her for further questioning.

That's when things really started to get heated.  The girl began to fuss, fight, scream and yell as if she were being skinned alive.  And when the police took away her phone (she had been trying to make phone calls) and placed her in handcuffs, she went stage-5 bat-poop crazy.

Passersby saw her flailing, being indignant and trying to fight with the officers.  And despite them, quite calmly mind you, telling her why they stopped her, she fired back with a "I don't have to do anything you tell me to do", along with several other gems.

A supervisor arrived with the back up team- and once the sergeant showed up, her tune quickly changed.  The girl said she was simply minding her own business when police roughed her up and grabbed her violently.  It was all their fault, she said, and suggested he rip up the ticket and let her be on her way.

When the sergeant said no, that's when she turned on the waterworks.  As soon as she realized the tears were getting her nowhere, she scuffled away with her panties in a wad.

As for the service dog story?  Well that turned out to be a lie.

But the cherry on top of the cake came when a neighbor walked down from his home, saying he had all sorts of security cameras around the property and yep- he had everything on tape if the department needed verification of the officers' story.