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A spokesperson for the  SFPD Tenderloin Station said Capt. Joe Garrity will be missed.  Garrity announced his plans to retire early last month.  He is 76-years old.

SFPD officials said he has worked at the Tenderloin station for approximately 27 years.  During that time he spent 14 years working as a patrolman and eight years serving as sergeant.  He later served two years as a lieutenant and was promoted to his current position as Captain in 2010.

Residents and business owners describe him as being a high-energy man who has been a friend to the community. Throughout his tenure he earned the respect of his colleagues and community members.   His biggest claim to fame was trying out for the Dallas Cowboys. He played several preseason games in the early 1980s prior to being dismissed.   A second notable moment came two years ago when the then 74-year old Captain broke up a street brawl.  One suspect reportedly sucker punched him, but Garrity was eventually able to pin the 53 year-old suspect to the ground.

The SFPD Tenderloin Station has not indicated who will take Garrity's place.  It is unclear whether the position will be filled internally or whether they are seeking outside applicants.   The search is ongoing.