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In the past few weeks there's been a lot of talk about Jeremy Meeks, a California bad guy whose well-taken mug shot got him a whole lot of attention.

But now, after an amateur photographer snapped a pic of San Francisco Police Department officer Chris Kohrs, the public has some new eye candy to fawn over- and this "hot cop" is on the right side of the legal system.

It all started when a local resident saw Kohrs while he was guarding a Castro District construction zone.  He took a few pics, uploaded the photos to social media websites and from there, everything started to go viral.

The officer doesn't have a Facebook page of his own, so it wasn't very long before fans created one for him.  As of yesterday morning, it had attracted nearly 38,000 likes.

Which is pretty impressive, considering the page has been up for less than two weeks.

Those who live and work in the Castro District, which is well known for it's numerous LGBT-friendly bars and restaurants, say the eye candy is welcome- especially since the relationship between LGBT groups and the SFPD hasn't always been great.

Having a police presence in the area is important, they say, and having someone who is so nice to look at certainly doesn't hurt.  Others have even joked about finding ways to get arrested, just so they can meet the man they've been swooning over.

Read the full story here:  Chri Korhs, San Francisco's "Hot Cop of Castro," Sets Social Media on Fire